YF Life 萬通保險PRETTY CRAZY JOEY YUNG CONCERT TOUR容祖兒演唱會有關:2019年8月12日《特別場次》及 2019年8月5日場次《退票退款》特別安排通告鑒於2019年8月5日香港島、九龍及新界多處地區出現交通癱瘓情況的影響,考慮到部份觀眾因此未能前往觀看2019年8月5日場次之【YF Life 萬通保險PRETTY CRAZY JOEY YUNG CONCERT TOUR容祖兒演唱會】(”8月5日場次演唱會”),加上8月5日場次演唱會舉行期間出現機件故障的影響,主辦機構現作以下特別安排:2019年8月12日《特別場次》特別安排(1) 觀眾凡持有8月5日場次演唱會的 (i) 完整有效之入場門票正本(必須連同票根);或 (ii) 已使用的入場門票正本(無須連同票根),均可於2019年8月12日(星期一)晚上8時15分(”8月12日特別場次”),來臨紅磡香港體育館,按照8月5日場次演唱會的入場門票原有座位入座,欣賞8月12日特別場次的演出;或2019年8月5日場次《退票退款》特別安排(2) 未能前往觀看8月5日場次演唱會而持有未使用之完整有效入場門票正本(必須連同票根)之觀眾可選擇退票退款。為了方便持票人士辦理退票退款和減省排隊時間,主辦機構現提供以下退票退款方案:持票人士可下載「演唱會退票退款 — 郵寄辦理表格」(”辦理表格”)及受相關之條款約束,然後將 (i) 已經填妥及簽署之辦理表格;及 (ii) 完整有效之入場門票正本(必須連同票根)以掛號或快遞形式郵寄寄回主辦機構:主辦機構地址英皇娛樂(香港)有限公司香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心28樓演唱會部聯絡人:Ada Lam 下載辦理表格郵寄辦理退票退款限期: 由2019年8月13日起至2019年8月26日止(以郵戳日期為準,逾期郵件恕不受理)。只接受掛號或快遞形式郵寄(不接受親身及郵件到付形式遞交)。郵資補貼:主辦機構將支付每位成功辦理退款的持票人士郵資補貼(不論任何地區和退票數量)一律一次性HK$35元正。無論任何購票方式,郵資補貼將存入持票人士指定的香港本地銀行有效港幣儲蓄或支票戶口 或 由填寫於表格上的持票人於辦公時間(星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外)親臨香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心28樓收取退款現金。請必須保存(i) 已填妥及簽署之辦理表格影印本/拍照檔、(ii) 退回之門票正本(正反面)影印本/拍照檔及(iii)掛號/快遞郵寄方式的存根,以作日後查詢之用。退款安排:退款將於2019年9月30日或之前經以下途徑退回成功辦理退款的持票人士:(i) 由填寫於表格上的持票人於辦公時間(星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外)親臨香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心28樓收取退款現金(請提前聯絡Ada Lam(電話號碼:(852) 5985 7603) 以作安排);或(ii) 由主辦機構將退款存入於表格上填寫的指定銀行戶口,此戶口必須為香港本地持牌銀行有效港幣儲蓄或支票戶口。 退票手續只限於上述指定時間及形式辦理,一切逾時恕不補辦。備註:(1) 辦理退票退款必需提供以下文件:(i) 填妥及簽署之辦理表格;及(ii) 完整有效之入場門票正本(必須連同票根)。(2) 主辦機構對觀眾因購買演唱會門票所涉及之一切手續費、行政費及郵寄費等均不作任何補償。(3) 如入場門票上的資料曾被塗改、刪除或入場門票遭損毀、污損或殘缺不全或被驗出是假票,則有關退票恕不受理,主辦機構對是否作出退票有最終之決定權利。(4) 贈票(即門票票面值為HK$ 0.0的公關門票)不適用於退票申請。(5) 如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間(星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外)致電熱線 (852) 5985 7603。就該演唱會8月12日特別場次及8月5日場次演唱會之退票退款事宜, 現重申 — 任何遺失 (i) 入場門票正本(必須連同票根)或 (ii) 已使用的入場門票正本(無須連同票根)之人士,均不會接納進場觀看特別場次;任何遺失入場門票正本(必須連同票根)之人士,均不會接納退款退票申請。主辦機構:英皇娛樂(香港)有限公司 2019 年8月8日
Dated: 8 August 2019
YF Life
Re: Special Arrangements on “Special Show” on August 12, 2019 and “Refund Procedure” for the show on August 5, 2019
Due to (i) the traffic paralysis conditions in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, certain numbers of audiences were unable to attend the show of the Concert held on August 5, 2019 (“Aug 5 Show”); and (ii) the technical problems occurred during the Aug 5 Show, the organizer of the Concert (“Organizer”) hereby makes the following special arrangements: -
Special Arrangement on Special Show on August 12, 2019
Audience with (i) original(s) of the valid intact admission ticket(s) of the Aug 5 Show (with ticket stub(s) attached); or (ii) original(s) of the used valid admission tickets (without ticket stub(s)) for the Aug 5 Show, shall be entitled to attend a special show of the Concert to be held on (Mon) August 12, 2019 at 8:15 p.m. (“Aug 12 Special Show”) at Hong Kong Coliseum (admission and seating arrangements will remain the same as indicated on the respective admission ticket(s) of the Aug 5 Show);
Special Arrangement on Refund Procedure for the Aug 5 Show
Holders of any unused valid original intact admission ticket(s) of the Aug 5 Show (with ticket stub(s) attached) who failed to attend the Aug 5 Show may opt to have a refund of the aforesaid unused ticket(s). In order to facilitate the refund and minimize any queuing time, the Organizer hereby offers the following refund procedure (“Refund Procedure”):
Ticket holders should download the “Refund Application Form – By Post” (“Form”) (subject to the terms and conditions as stated therein). Ticket holders must mail the (i) duly signed and completed Form; (ii) the original(s) of the valid intact admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) attached) of the Aug 5 Show, to the Organizer byregistered mail or courier.
Download Form(Chinese version only)
Correspondence Address of the Organizer:
Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited (Concert Department)
28/F, No. 288 Hennessy Road, Emperor Group Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong;
Attention to: Ada Lam
Refund Application Form’s Postal Period:from August 13, 2019 to August 26, 2019(the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application; late application will not be accepted).Only registered mail or courier will be accepted (application by hand and freight collect will not be accepted).
Postage Subsidy: the Organizer will subsidize each successful applicant a one-off fee for the amount of HK$35 (regardless of postal areas and numbers of returned tickets). Despite the purchased method of the returned tickets, such postage subsidy shall be remitted to the applicant’s designated valid Hong Kong Dollar saving account or Hong Kong Dollar current account in a licensed bank of Hong Kong OR cash collection in person at 28/F, No. 288 Hennessy Road, Emperor Group Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong by the applicant who signed the Form during office hours (Monday – Friday: 10am -6pm, except public holidays) (Please contact Ms. Ada Lam at tel#(852) 5985 7603) in advance for arrangement).
**Please be reminded to keep (i) a copy/photo of the duly signed and completed Form; (ii) a copy/photo of the front and back of the returned ticket(s); (iii) the slip/ waybill of the registered post/ courier, for record.
Refund Arrangement: Refund will be provided to the successful applicants on or before September 30, 2019 in the following manner:-
cash refund in person at 28/F, No. 288 Hennessy Road, Emperor Group Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong by the applicant who signed the Form during office hours (Monday – Friday: 10am -6pm, except public holidays) (Please contact Ms. Ada Lam at tel#(852) 5985 7603) in advance for arrangement); or
bank deposit to the applicant’s designated bank account as stated in the Form by the Organizer, such bank account must be a valid Hong Kong Dollar saving account or Hong Kong Dollar current account in a licensed bank of Hong Kong.
The Refund shall only be processed within the time and manners as stipulated above, any late application/ collection of refund will not be handled.
(1) Checklist for an application for refund:-
(i) the duly signed and completed Form; and
(ii) the original(s) of the valid intact admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s)) of the Aug 5 Show.
(2) The Organizer shall not be liable to any costs and expenses for ticket purchased (including but not limited to handling fees, administration fees and postage/courier fees).
(3) If any information on the returned admission ticket(s) have been altered, deleted, or the returned admission ticket(s) is damaged, defaced or incomplete, or is found to be fake/forged, the application of refund will not be accepted. The final decision on acceptance of a refund application shall be at the sole discretion of the Organizer.
(4) Ticket holders of any complimentary tickets (i.e. promotional tickets with HK$0.00 consideration) shall not be accepted for Refund Procedure.
(5) For any enquiries, please call the hotline at (852) 5985 7603 during office hours (Monday – Friday: 10am -6pm, except public holidays).
Please note that all customers who have lost (i) their original(s) of the valid intact admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) attached) of the show of the Concert held on August 5, 2019 (“Aug 5 Show”) or (ii) the original(s) of the used valid admission tickets (without ticket stub(s)) for the Aug 5 Show, shall not be eligible to attend a special show of the Concert to be held on 12 Aug 2019 (“Aug 12 Special Show”). Refund will not be processed for any applicant who fails to provide the valid intact admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) attached).
DISCLAIMER: The English version is a translation of the original in Chinese for information purpose only. In case of discrepancy, the Chinese version will prevail.
Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited