張敬軒X香港中樂團盛樂演唱會 演唱會延期/退票安排

(Please scroll down for English version) 張敬軒X香港中樂團盛樂演唱會 演唱會延期/退票安排 主辦方於2019年11月15日宣告取消原定於2019年11月22日至25日於香港體育館舉辦之《張敬軒 X 香港中樂團盛樂演唱會》(“演唱會”)後,承蒙觀眾愛戴希望主辦方能重新安排該演唱會,因此主辦方現正積極安排重新向香港體育館申請表演場地,亦與各單位協商重辦此演唱會的可能,基於安排需時,主辦方將不遲於2020年4月30日公佈是否能成功重新申請場地,有見及此,主辦方現為持票觀眾提供以下兩個方案,以供選擇。 就原訂場次,已購票的觀眾現可選擇:- (1) 於第一階段即時申請退款; 或 (2) 保留演唱會之完整門票(連同票根)等待容後公佈之第二階段安排。 詳情如下: 第一階段 (由2019年12月1日起至2020年3月31日) 各持票人可由2019年12月1日起至2020年3月31日止申請退款,持票人必須將完整演唱會門票(連同票根)及填妥無誤之退款表格於上述期限內(以郵戳日期為準,逾期郵件將撥入第二階段處理)寄回主辦方: 主辦方地址:英皇娛樂(香港)有限公司 香港灣仔軒尼詩道288號英皇集團中心28樓(演唱會部) *信封面請註明<演唱會退票> 由於不能預計退票數量,主辦方將盡快處理退款,不遲於2020年4月20日完成第一階段退款手續。有關退款詳情請參閱於eeg.zone上載之《演唱會退款 – 郵寄辦理表格》,申請退票者將受有關條款限制及約束。 下載辦理表格 (中文版) 下載辦理表格 (英文版) 第二階段 (由主辦方另行公佈之期間) 主辦方現正積極安排重新向香港體育館申請表演場地,亦與各單位協商重辦此演唱會的可能,主辦方將不遲於2020年4月30日公佈是否可重辦演唱會,如有延期演出,各持票人可選擇觀看指定場次的演唱會或申請退款。第二階段之安排及/或退款詳情將容後於主辦方官方網頁及社交媒體公佈,敬請留意! 備註: 經城市售票網購票但仍未領取門票的觀眾,請盡快於「購票通自助取票機」刷卡領取已訂購的門票,如第二階段退款期結束時仍未領取門票,將被視作放棄觀看延期演唱會(如有)或退款之權利。 除另有說明外,主辦方對觀眾因購買演唱會門票所涉及之一切手續費、行政費及郵寄費等均不作任何補償。 主辦方不會提供任何演唱會門票報失補領安排,如購票人未能提供完整演唱會門票(連同票根),將不獲得任何退款或觀看延期演唱會(如有)之權利。 如有延期演唱會之情況下,無論於第一階段或第二階段選擇退款之觀眾,將不會享有購買延期演唱會門票的優先權利。 主辦方只接受掛號或快遞形式郵寄(不接受親身及郵件到付形式遞交)的退票申請表格連同完整演唱會門票(連同票根)。 如門票上的資料曾被塗改、刪除或門票遭損毀、污損或殘缺不全或被驗出是假票,則有關退票恕不受理。主辦方將補貼每項退票申請郵資(不論任何地區和退票數量)一律一次性港幣叁拾伍元正(HK$35)。主辦方對是否作出退票有最終之決定權利。 如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間( 星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外)致電熱線 (852) 2835 4035,亦可電郵至concert1@emperorgroup.com。 此致 主辦方:英皇娛樂集團 日期:2019 年11月29日 英皇娛樂官方網站: eeg.zone 英皇娛樂Facebook專頁:www.facebook.com/eegmusichk Hins Cheung x HKCO Concert Postponement/Refund Arrangement Notice Date: 29th November, 2019 Emperor Entertainment Group (the “Organizer”) the organizer of the Concert, had made an announcement on 15th November 2019 that《Hins Cheung x HKCO Concert》(the “Concert”) originally scheduled to be held from 22nd November 2019 to 25th November 2019 was cancelled. With audiences’ supports, the Organizer is negotiating with various parties for rescheduling the Concert and actively arranging to re-apply for the Hong Kong Coliseum. As the Organizer requires time for re-arrangement, the Organizer shall announce whether there will be any re-scheduled performances for the Concert no later than 30th April 2020. In the meantime, audiences holding valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) for the Concert may select to: apply for refund during Period I; or keep the valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) and wait for further announcement on arrangements for Period II. Period I (from 1st December 2019 to 31st March 2020) From 1st December 2019 to 31st March 2020, ticket holders with valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) can apply for refund by mailing the completed application form together with the valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) to the Organizer’s correspondence address as follows (the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application, late applications shall be handled during Period II): - Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited (Concert Department) 28/F, No. 288 Hennessy Road, Emperor Group Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong * Please specify on the envelop <Refund for Concert Tickets > As the Organizer cannot estimate the numbers of refund applications, it shall complete refund as soon as possible no later than 20th April 2020. For refund arrangements details, please visit the Organizer's website (eeg.zone) and download the 'Refund Application Form' accordingly. Download Refund Application Form (Chinese version) Download Refund Application Form(English version) Period II (dates to be announced by the Organizer) The Organizer is actively arranging to re-apply for the Hong Kong Coliseum and negotiating with various parties for re-scheduling the Concert and shall announce no later than 30th April 2020 whether any re-scheduled performances can be arranged. If there would be re-scheduled performances, audiences holding valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) for the Concert shall be entitled to attend the re-scheduled performances for the Concert or refund. Arrangements and refund procedure for Period II shall be announced on the Organizer’s official website and social media platforms later. Remarks: Patrons who have purchased tickets through URBTIX but have not collected their purchased tickets should collect their purchased tickets fromCityline Ticket Dispensing Machines at any of theURBTIX outletswith the credit card used for online booking as soon as possible. Any late collection of tickets after completion of Period II shall be considered as giving up the rights for attending the re-scheduled performances (if any) or refund. Unless otherwise specified, the Organizer shall not be liable to any costs and expenses incurred for ticket purchase (including but not limited to handling fees, administration fees and postage/courier fees). The Organizer shall not provide any arrangements for reporting lost tickets. Any person fails to provide valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) shall not be entitled to refund or attend the re-scheduled performances for the Concert (if any). Any persons who have applied for refund during Period I or Period II shall not be entitled to any priority rights to purchase any tickets for the re-scheduled performances for the Concert (if any). All Refund Application Form(s) together with the valid admission ticket(s) (with ticket stub(s) intact) shall be sent to the Organizer by registered mail or courier only. Delivery in person or by postage paid by addressees shall not be accepted by the Organizer. If any information on the returned admission ticket(s) have been altered, deleted, or the returned admission ticket(s) is damaged, defaced or incomplete, or is found to be fake/forged, the application of refund will not be accepted. The Organizer will subsidize each successful application a one-off fee at the amount of HK$35 (regardless of postal areas and numbers of returned tickets). The final decision on acceptance of a refund application shall be at the sole discretion of the Organizer. For any enquiries, please call the Organizer's hotline at (852) 2835 4035 during office hours (Monday – Friday: 10am - 6pm, except public holidays) or email to concert1@emperorgroup.com. Best Regards, The Organizer Emperor Entertainment Group Organizer’s official Website: eeg.zone Organizer’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/eegmusichk *The English version is for reference only. In case of discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version in respect of all or any part of the contents in this Notice, the Chinese version shall prevail.